How To Get Started With Learning Korean

              How To Get Started With Learning Korean

I guess we all go through the same thoughts when we are starting a new language, how should I start?

Well, when it comes to Korean it would be most recommendable to start off with the Korean writing system, hangeul. (한글)

You'll learn about the sounds of Korean, vowels and also consonants.

To help you to decide a good source of learning hangeul here's some of them.



(You can find more hangeul videos from the same channel)


And here's something to know about writing Korean.

When a word starts with a vowel you need to use ㅇ with the vowel.

ㅏ (NO)
아 (YES) A (ah sound)
With sounds that contain a consonant and a vowel you write them together.

가 ga ㄱ +ㅏ
나 na ㄴ +ㅏ

When ㅇ is at the end of a word it makes ng sound.

강 gang (means river)

의 ui  ㅇ + ㅡ + ㅣ
위 wi ㅇ+ ㅜ +ㅣ
웨 we ㅇ+ ㅜ+ ㅔ

When you've learned to read an maybe write you can start learning easy beginner-friendly words.


여자 a girl, woman
이름 name
남자 man
사과 apple
아이 child
오이 cucumber
오리 duck
집 house, home
꽃 flower

After familiarizing yourself with Korean words you can start learning the Grammar.

Here's some of my favorites and textbooks which helped me.

Talk To Me In Korean

A great way to start learning Korean is TTMIK - books.
As you progress more you can buy more.

- Start with level 1 and 2

Other books of TTMIK

- My Weekly Korean Vocabulary
- My Daily Routine In Korean

Now I have one advanced book from TTMIK, and it's ''News in Korean.''

As I got better I bought Korean Grammar In Use Intermediate.

So I'm now on intermediate level and it's been a year and a couple months since I started my journey with Korean.

I know what works for and worked so I'm sharing my tips and tricks.

Besides of using only textbooks to keep improving I used other methods and I'll list them now.


I am subscribed to many Korean Youtubers and Youtube channels.
This keeps me immersed I get to listen to Korean a lot.

I usually subscribe to channels that have Korean subtitles.
I watch Korean webdramas on Youtube, because many of them have subtitles in Korean.

웹드라마 in Korean


- 핑크퐁
- 보겸
- 정선호
- 콬TV
- 딩고 스토리
- 플레이리스트
- 요즘 애니


- Duolingo
- LingoDeer
- Memrise
- Naver Dictionary (A MUST)
- Naver Webtoons (Korean version)
- 네이버 쥬니어
- 슈퍼멘 (For Koreans learning English)
- VLIVE (You can switch to Korean subtitles)



It's ok the beginning is always slow but it gets easier.

Try to talk with Koreans if you get a chance.

That's all I am able to think this time.

I'd add that Naver dictionary is good for learning words.

Whenever you see a word you don't understand, search it!

When you learn how Korean sentences work and how verbs are conjugated, learning new words won't be a hard thing to do.

Good Luck


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